Lady Katharine

Flute Sonata in B-flat Major Op. 2 no. 2 by Francesco Barsanti

Dear Visitor—

My name is Katharine. I'm an unapologetic anglophile. Merriam-Webster defines anglophile as a person who greatly admires or favors England and things English. That would be me. Perhaps I could more accurately be called a Britophile, since my "admiration and favor" extends to Scotland, Ireland and Wales. My own heritage is about 40% English, 25% Scottish, 20% Irish and 15% Welsh. This website is a sampling of all things British. I will share recipes, books, favorite films, travel stories, and discussions of historical events from the British Isles. Please let me know if you enjoy my pages, if you notice any errors, or if you have suggestions for additions to them.

Yours Sincerely,

Lady Katharine